Zahnradfertigung OTT GmbH & Co. KG was the first company to install the new fully automatic CNC-controlled P 152 precision measuring center from Klingelnberg in its ultra-modern machine park.
December 12, 2024
This study aims to investigate the effect of this identified type of shot peening on the micropitting resistance of the gear tooth flanks and the macropitting resistance and to compare the experimental results with the calculation results based on standard methods.
Solar Atmospheres Nadcap accredited vacuum oil quench thermal processing with a 36” x 36” x 48” vacuum oil quench furnace, capable of safely quenching 2,000-pound loads without carbon potential concerns. Processing materials under a protective atmosphere with an oil quench, providing precise results and repeatability.
With the recent software release Zeiss Industrial Quality Solutions (Zeiss IQS) enhances its extensive software portfolio, introducing cutting-edge innovations in multiple software products to optimize inspection processes and streamline data handling capabilities.
For cylindrical gears, speed-increasing transmission stages are well known, and regarding profile shift, preferred pressure angles, and helix angles a set of rules applies, which is not much different from the rules for speed reducers. It is important to acknowledge that basically, a speed increaser has to...
Since our founding in 1984, Gear Technology’s goal has been to improve your knowledge, bringing you the best possible technical information about gear design, manufacturing, inspection, heat treating and much more. We keep you informed about the business of gear manufacturing, including the trends and...
“It appears that undercut can be eliminated in some cases but in most cases, the elimination of undercut, for example by increasing the root fillet radii of a pinion, results in performance problems in the operation with its mate. My question is, when can I eliminate undercut and why is it not possible in...
Forest City Gear, an industry-leading manufacturer of fine- and medium-pitch custom gears, is proud to share that Manufacturing Engineer Mark Javurek was invited to serve as a guest panelist for Harlem High School’s engineering capstone class, taught by Chris Noble.
My family company, Cadillac Machinery, was a used machinery dealer specializing gear machinery, especially bevel gear equipment, so we knew first-hand how unique and sometimes insular the gear industry was. As a member of AGMA, I often attended AGMA events, including the Fall Technical Meeting, where...