This is an odd piece to write, but probably necessary as I have created a storm around me. I am not an engineer and I am little more than a novice at gearing, but I am also the one who has invented a new type of geared CVT (the New-CVT (patent pending)) and a new involute gear type (the multi-ratio gear (patent pending)) (see: Furthermore anyone delving into this new technology quickly finds a whole new way of doing gearing. So people are confused and asking how this is possible.

The short answer is that I think differently to most people, I see options and underlying problems that most people cannot see. The downside is that I can only do it my way, so I really tend to irritate people who like solutions presented to them in the usual way. I am a very odd duck in a flock of beautiful swans. My background might also be a factor in this. As a biologist I focus on the why, while engineers tend to focus on the how.

For example, conical involute gears, also known as beveloid gears, are not well defined in the literature. So I simply analysed this gear type down to its core fundamentals and found that it is actually the underlying shape of all involute gearing. It can be derived from a simple triangle (see the step by step graph bellow). And once one understands this, understanding all involute gearing becomes a lot easier.

So I bypassed the difficult 3D mathematics and used a very simple shape (the 3D-involute) instead, a solution both beautiful and irritating at the same time. No doubt many will take it from there, and many articles will be written based on insights gained from this simple shape.
The slightly longer answer is that it took me a lot longer than you might have assumed from the previous paragraph. There were lots of logical in-between steps and an enormous amount of hard work modelling things with the computer. Looking back I feel stupid that I didn’t see it earlier as it seems so simple now. I was a bit arrogant in believing that I did not have to read all the literature on gearing, but this did force me to question all the fundamentals so I avoided some pitfalls. For example: I base everything on the base circle and I use “the unit of the number of teeth” for distance. Whereas “the pressure angle, the reference circle and profile shifting” I avoid as much as possible as they are interdependent of each other. And yes, I know that this goes against everything most believe people to be fundamental to good gearing practice. So I apologize for the irritation factor, but in at least in the case of conical involute gears, this in the best way to do it.
As a theoretical biologist what I like about gearing is that theories can be tested with only a computer and free software. Anybody in the world can download the source code from and zoom in to check how well the gears are intermeshing. Not only that but they can also contribute in a meaningful way. As a scientist I really love that (note from the lawyers: the usual restrictions regarding patent pending are not limited in any way by this article).
I am Geert Poelman, a Dutch national born in Groningen and currently living in Milan (Italy). My school period was hell as schools are not suited for people with my type of brain. University was fun though. And my intent is to create a charity that will help kids who have similar problems at school as I had. If anybody wants my help with solving difficult problems, or to give lectures on my work, I will be happy to help (if possible and reasonable).